The Summit Board of REALTORS® entire Multiple Listing Service (MLS) data base is on-line and available for your use. Summit Property Brokerage has created two different search options: one of which is proprietary vs. the more commonly used public access portal.
Fill out the following registration form and criteria. SPB will create “your personal search” which is then registered with the software. Because the output is very difficult to understand given the issues of location, view, environmental impacts, age of structure and floor plan; SPB ownership will personally sort the output based upon value and best buy considerations. Going forward, all new listings that come on the market will be sent via an automated email notification system, keeping you up to date on the market in real time; which is the same methodology REALTORS® use on a daily basis.
The second alternative is to click on the public access link to the MLS. Enter your search criteria and view immediate results. The MLS software cannot remember this search, will not filter nor sort the output, and you will need to periodically revisit the data base for updates and changes. Subsequent searches start over, making new listings indistinguishable without cross referencing prior results.
For Custom or MLS Search Results, Please Enter Your Contact Information

Please do a custom search that will be
sorted and saved with future updates

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